Feb 27

Master in Digital Communication & New Technologies

Telecom: non-stopping change

Invitation SVG

Open to Public

Clock SVG

6:45 PM - 8:30 PM

Location SVG

30 Carrer de Bellesguard 08022 Barcelona

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Every year at the Mobile World Congress's inauguration address, the GSMA president, the association organizing the event, cries and asks authorities to change the regulation, begging for support and charges against OTTs like Google or Meta for doing business taking advantage of carriers.

The reality is that there is no life without telecom. With so much success and billions of clients, why are carriers' presidents so pessimistic and sad? What is going on in the telecom industry? What are the correct prices for telecom services? Is the telecom industry collapsing due to the very low prices of the services? Is there a real war between carriers and OTT (Google and Meta)?

In this conference/debate, really a creative dialogue, organized by the Master in Digital Communication and New Technologies of Abat Oliba University in collaboration with the Society of Communications Consultants International, we will answer these questions and more as we walk through the present and future of the telecom industry, their services offerings, their business models, their challenges, opportunities, and risk from a completely independent point of view.


David Steen is a recognized independent telecom industry consultant. CEO of Teleplus Global Inc. founded in 1984. Their clients include over 50 of the Fortune 500, and 12 of the Fortune 100. They use innovative technologies and extensive data/analysis to help their clients worldwide. David has extensive experience in telecom contracts, technology, tariffs, and regulations. He is a colossal negotiator.

Dave is a proud member of the Society of Communications Technology Consultants International (SCTC)

Professor Dr. Manel Dominguez, journalist, director of the Master in Digital Communication and New Technologies of Abat Oliba University, emeritus professor of Knowledge Society. Author of "Senior, la vida que no cesa" . Expert in aging and longevity.

Agustin Argelich, Telecom engineer, Principal Consultant and founder at Argelich Networks, member of the Society of Communications Technology Consultants International, Jury member of Intelligent Community Forum. Technology Director IX Juegos ParalĂ­mpicos Barcelona 92. Thinker, Author, and Speaker. International Business Builder. Professor at the Master in Digital Communication and New Technologies of Abat Oliba University.


6:45 pm: Register - Registro.

7:00 pm: Welcome message: Professor Dr. Manuel Dominguez

7:05 pm: The State of the Telecom Business in Europe by Agustin Argelich

7:20 pm: Observations of Telecom over the last 40 years, a Vision from the United States by David Steen

7:50 pm Debate and audience questions with SCTC members Tom Brannen, Vic Cooper, Jim O'Gorman, and Georges Mokhbat moderated by Agustin Argelich

8:25 pm: Closing message

8 :30 pm: Networking time.



More information:

Anabel Garcia anabel@argelich.com (+34) 610 59 50 50


Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?

Essential Identity Document and printed or mobile ticket.

Do I need to bring my printed ticket to the event?

Print or mobile.

Can I update my registration information?

Yes. Please, if for some reason you cannot attend, cancel the ticket so that someone else can take advantage of it.

Is it okay if the name on my ticket or registration does not match the person attending?

Please update your registration information to match.

More information Master in Digital Communication and New Technologies of Abat Oliba University


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Info Alert SVG

Spanish–English Directions

Al Carrer de Bellesguard 30, por favor.